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Blog – Page 148 – Support for Joyce Danko

Daily Post – August 11

August 11 – Day 731

Joyce had a great day. She was with Justina in the morning and with Wendy in the afternoon. The new splint for her finger is working very well. No therapy today but still doing her exercises. Her night was off and on with bouts of coughing but she went right back to sleep. Got a cleaning brush for her peg tube noticed lately it was taking al long time for even water to drain. Cleaned it and working fine probably will do water flush with the syringe and plunger instead of letting gravity drain through the tube.

Daily Post – August 10

August 10 – Day 730

Joyce had a great day. Joyce so much more awake today. She had her speech and occupational evaluation so they can start treatment and they seemed very enthusiastic about her therapy. We got another finger splint for her from the hospital and it is the correct kind this time. She took a nap after both her therapies. her night was great and she had no issues at al throughout the night.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her.

Daily Post – August 9

August 9 – Day 729

Joyce had a great day. Had my caregiver train a new girl so I have more than one if a situation arises. Joyce was very tired and slept all day. She had speech and physical therapy and slept right through it they did the best they could with her. She had a good night with no issues and slept without any coughing episodes. Other than that it was just a peaceful resting day for Joyce.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her.

Daily Post – August 8 (2 year anniversary)

August 8 – Day 728

Joyce had a great day today. It is now the second anniversary of Joyce’s illness. It was a down day for me but I guess my prayers were answered. because when i went home it was like someone flipped a switch on Joyce. She was smiling and laughing and she was a chatter box until she went to bed. I told her that was the best gift that she could give me today. She did all her exercises had a good speech appointment. her night was good just a little coughing nothing major.

Daily Post – August 7

August 7 – Day 727

Joyce had a pretty good weekend. She continues to do her exercises and her out patient therapy is going fine. Next week she will start her physical therapy as her evaluation was completed this week. She has been having a lot of coughing episodes lately. Last night she was up to about 1AM with coughing had to change her once about 11 PM. Other than that no other issues to report. I told Joyce if taking care of her is what she did with our girls she is one super woman and I salute her and it made her get emotional but Mothers like Joyce who had to raise the girls when I was deployed she is one special woman and I am humbled before her.

Daily Post – August 4

August 4 – Day 724

Joyce had a good day. She did all her exercises and she had her physical therapy evaluation that went well and the goals are set to help Joyce get back to using her walker and working and muscle tone in her neck and legs. She was a little tired we got in the car her legs seem to be buckling so I had to use a lot more of my strength to help Joyce but I reminded that she has to help. Her night was great she slept well all through the night without any issues.

Daily Post – August 3

August 3 – Day 723

Joyce had a good day. She did all her exercises and Justina came in the afternoon. Joyce’s hairdresser came today and cut, colored and styled her hair. We will be going tomorrow for her physical therapy evaluation so she can begin her therapy. Waiting for doctor to write order for her occupational therapy. Joyce slept well last night she woke around midnight having a little coughing but went right back to sleep with no problems.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her.

Daily Post – August 2

August 2 – Day 722

Joyce had a good day. She did all her exercises with Wendy and Justina. Her night started off good but then she went into a bad coughing and threw everything up and I told her we have sheets, clothes, washcloths so its not problem I just have to change and clean you up and she smiled. She did get a little emotional but I told it is okay its nothing to clean you up do worry about it. After her coughing episode she went to sleep for the rest of the night.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her.

Daily Post – August 1

August 1 – Day 721

Joyce had a good day. She did all her exercises and Wendy her caregiver took her to outpatient speech and that went well with no issues. She took a nap in the afternoon. Interviewed a caregiver to help she was okay nothing great but I think she can be trained we will have to see have 2 more interviews this week. Her night was fine she had no problems all through the night.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her.

Daily Post – July 31

July 31 – Day 720

Joyce had a weekend. She continues to do all her exercise. Joyce had a pretty calm weekend no issues to report. Her coughing was very minimal and her mood was good throughout the weekend. She slept well except Friday night where she had a bad coughing episode at bedtime and she threw-up a couple of times and after that she settled right down and she went right to sleep. It was not due to her feeling ill it had to do with excessive saliva which caused the coughing episode.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her.