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Blog – Page 152 – Support for Joyce Danko

Daily Post June 16

June 16 – Day 675

Joyce had a good day. She did her exercises in the afternoon because we went to see neurologist and she will be doing the Botox in just lower legs she feels she will benefit she wants to start with legs and see how it goes before doing any other part of her body. She did well with the ride and she sat up most of the day when she got home with no issues. her night was good she slept with no issues.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her

Daily Post June 15

June 15 – Day 674

Joyce had a good day  her occupational therapist came and she did well. They are still trying to get the splint for Joyce’s finger nothing wrong with it but it will keep the ligaments from being shortened. Joyce sat up almost all day until bedtime and she did very good. she slept well throughout the night with no issues.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her.

Daily Post June 13

June 13 – Day 672
Joyce had a good day. She did all her exercises and she was in a very happy mood all day. She took a short nap but that was it and she was very alert and happy through the evening. Her night was great she had no issues at all through the night.
Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her

Daily Post June 12

June 12 – Day 671
Joyce had a good weekend. She still continues to do all her exercises and I have found out that her occupational therapist has quit. I will be researching if there is a problem with the agency and if we need to find a new company to do Joyce;s therapy.She took nap during the day but as it gets closer to her bedtime she has a lot of coughing.Her nights are fine and she sleeps well without any issues.

Daily Post June 9

June 9 – Day 698
Joyce had a good day today. Joyce did all of her exercises with her caregiver and her physical therpist can to reevaluate Joyce but they are waiting for her to see nueirlogist to determine how much more care they can offer. Joyce slept well all through the night without any issues to report.
Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her

Daily Post June 8

June 8 – Day 697
Joyce had a good day. Joyce did well with her exercises today. Joyce was up most of the day and sat up with no issues of her keeping her head up. She had occupational therapy come and she did well with her. Joyce had no issues sleeping and had no problems with any coughing.
Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her

Daily Post June 7

June 7 – Day 696
Joyce had a good day. Joyce did well with her exercises her caregiver said she had a lot of coughing through the day. She finally settled down about 630 but after her throwing up from all the coughing. Her night was good and she had no further issues. Physical therapist is just coming to make sure the cergiver knows how to do exercises until Joyces appoitnment with the neurologist.She has been doing it for over a year I think she knows how to do them.

Daily Post June 6

June 6 – Day 695
Joyce had a good day with Justina and with her caregiver. She did all her exercises and was alert all day, Coughing up a lot but no major issues from that. We found a new cleaning lady and she is working out great. Her night was great she went right to sleep with no issues. Talked to a new nutritionist about Joyce’s feeding she is suggesting a different type of shake will have to do research and get doctor approval.

Daily Post June 5

June 5 – Day 694
Joyce had a good weekend. Joyce continues to do her exercises and no word yet if they have found replacement therapists yet. Joyce got very emotional on Sunday while we were watching the movie hook she said it made her cry because it reminded her of the girls when they were younger that is what she told me. Her nights were good she slept well without any issues.
Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her

Daily Post June 2

June 2 – Day 691

Joyce had a good day. We seem to have her fever under control so that is good news. Joyce had her ocupational therpist and she did well. But the new physical therapist was nto her caregiver watch hre do the exercises so once again I will be calling about it. Wendy her caregiver did well with the exercises the physicl therapist is suppose to introduce new exercises and evaluate her current condition and act on it. She slept well through the night with no issues.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her