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Blog – Page 144 – Support for Joyce Danko

Daily Post – October 17

October 17 – Day 798

Joyce had a great day. She did most of her exercises in the morning in the afternoon she told her caregiver she was a little sad and didn’t feel like doing anymore today. Which is understandable we all have down days. Joyce slept well all through the night with no issues. Her suction pump is going out and they said at this point we own the equipment because the insurance pays a rental fee until it reaches the purchase price then the patient owns it after that. She told me that the insurance would only replace it and pay for it every 5 years.

Daily Post – October 16

October 16 – Day 797

Joyce had a good weekend. After the Gastrologist appointment he suggested giving her Metamucil daily instead her medicine that is done when needed. With the shakes she is not getting the fiber she needs so this should take care of this issue. Joyce continues with her exercises. Joyce had a lot of congestion that lasted almost all day Sunday. Her night was good except for one coughing issue around midnight then she slept through the night after that.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her.

Daily Post – October 13

October 13 – Day 794

Joyce had a great day. Joyce did pretty well at therapy by the end with speech she couldn’t stay awake. She had a difficult day the rest the day with congestion. But by the time I got home she was good the rest of the night and slept well with no issues. The afternoon caregiver is not a good fit for Joyce so I will keep looking for another replacement.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her.

Daily Post – October 12

October 12 – Day 793

Joyce had a great day. Therapy was done at home and Joyce was very alert and participated well. Her afternoon caregiver said she did well with the nerf balls. Joyce was up most of the day and took very few naps. We watched TV during the rest of the evening about 730 she took a nap until bedtime. The caregiver couldn’t get Joyce to go to the bathroom so I told them my routine and see how that works. She slept very restful through the night with no issues.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her

Daily Post – October 12

October 12 – Day 792

Joyce had a great day. Joyce had a good at therapy but now I am arguing with them because they want to stop therapy because Joyce has not reached her goals. I asked them then they need to increase or do more they could not give me a reason why she is not progressing they blame it on her injury and I said I am not buying that. So i will probably have to have a meeting with them to discuss her therapy. Joyce had a good night with no issues and slept well.

Daily Post – October 10

October 10 – Day 791

Joyce had a great day. She did all her exercises and she had her gastro appointment today. The doctor will be doing a colonoscopy for Joyce and then he said it should be good for the next 10 years. The best thing about the appointment is he can replace Joyce feeding tube when needed so i don’t have to go to the emergency room. So he will doing that next month and the colonoscopy will be done in a couple of weeks. Joyce slept well through the night and had a good evening.

Daily Post – October 9

October 9 – Day 790

Joyce had a great weekend. Joyce continued to do her exercises and still pushing forward I can tell and see it in her face that she will beat this she is an inspiration to our family like she always has. The weekend was comfortable with no issues just relaxing. Never lost power from the hurricane so that was good. But had plenty of stock for Joyce. Her food doesn’t have to be refrigerated so even if we lost power she still would get all her nutrients and water with no problem.

Daily post – October 6

October 6 – Day 787

Joyce had a great day. Joyce had outpatient therapy today and it went well she became sick at the end of therapy. Therapist gave me some websites to use for speech exercises. She did well through the rest of the night and slept well she was up at 11 but went back to sleep had no issues after that she slept restful.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her.

Daily Post – October 5

October 5 – Day 786

Joyce had a great day. Joyce didn’t have any outpatient therapy today. all therapy was done at home and both her caregivers said that she was alert and did her therapy well. Joyce did have any issues through the evening or through the night and she slept well with no issues. Interviewed new caregiver and she looks like she might a viable prospect we will have to see.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her.

Daily Post – October 4

October 4 – Day 785

Joyce had a great day. She had her outpatient therapy her speech therapist discussed with me about trying another device Joyce from the last few visits is not responding well to the therapy and she doesn’t know if she is bored and doesn’t want to do it or i it fatigue. She was very restful the rest of the night until bedtime. She slept very soundly all through the night with no issues.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her.