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Blog – Page 129 – Support for Joyce Danko

Daily Post – June 19

June 19 – Day 1038
Joyce had a good day. she did her exercises today. Tomorrow the new caregivers will come in for training and will start hopefully we will get a good staff. Joyce was very tired slept the entire day and entire night with no issues at all. She was up all day Sunday with no naps so I figured she would sleep today.
Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her.

Daily Post – June 18

June 18 – Day 1037

Joyce had a weekend. Her exercises are continuing. Stephane and Justina came Sunday for Fathers Day Joyce enjoys when we are all together. Her nights have been good sometimes she throws her covers off and looks at me and smiles when I ask her how did that happen. Agency will be coming Tuesday to start so we will se how they are.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her.

Daily Post – June 15

June 15 – Day 1034
Joyce had a good day. She did her exercises and they went well. The authorization went over to the agency so it shouldn’t be long to get the care givers in place and trained. Still looking for weekend people so we will se how it goes. Joyce was awake when I got home but took a nap until bedtime and soon as I got her in bed and ready she went right to sleep and slept all night without any issues.

Daily Post – June 14

June 14 – Day 1033

Joyce had a good day. She did her exercises and they went well. Tweaking the day caregiver so she keeps Joyce’s routine the same for her. She had a lot of congestion today so I will need to get some Tussin that usually takes care of that. Joyce had a restless night was doing a lot of coughing. One thing last night that just made me smile. When I went to give Joyce her 11 o’clock feeding she had taken her covers and was sitting straight up in her bed. When I asked her what she is doing she just smiled and squinted her face like she knew she was doing something.

Daily Post – June 14

June 13 – Day 1032

Joyce had a good day. Had her afternoon caregiver cover morning shift and Justina was there in the afternoon. Tomorrow will be back to normal with caregivers until agency starts. Joyce was very alert until bedtime and she was awake when I feed her at 11 but she slept well with issues to report at this time.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her

Daily Post – June 12

June 12 – Day 1031
Joyce had a good. Her new night caregiver worked the day shift and she did great no issues. Thursday cannot come to quickly so the agency can begin. Joyce had a good day she didn’t cough but maybe a couple time a whole evening so that was positive. her night was restful no issues at all she slept well.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her.

Daily Post – June 11

June 11 – Day 1030
Joyce had a weekend. Joyce did all her exercises and got confirmation that that the agency will begin on Thursday. I also have my night girl in place and my weekend person looks pretty promising so it looks like we are going to be good and a little stress relief for me. Joyce has slept well through the night and had no issues.
Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her.

Daily Post – June 8

June 8 – Day 1027

Joyce had a good day. Joyce continues with her exercises. Good news the new agency will start next Thursday. So now I am interviewing for the night and weekend shift and have some good prospects so far. Joyce seems to be adjusting well since Wendy has left due to personal problems. Joyce slept well last night and she had some restful sleep.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her.

Daily Post – June 7

June 7 – Day 1026

Joyce had a good day. Sorry for no posts the last couple was out of town training. Again Justina came to the re4scue to stay with Joyce so I could travel to Virginia. The new girl I have to be temporary is doing okay with Joyce little tweaks here and there. Told Joyce about Virginia where we were stationed at one time how it has changed in the last 20 years. Told about the park we use to take the girls and the schools they went to that was one of the best times in our life it was very difficult and emotional for both of us.

Daily Post – June 4

June 4 – Day 1023

Joyce had a good weekend. She did her exercises. My caregiver that has been with Joyce over a year and a half contacted me Sunday that she is in Maryland and not coming back due to martial issues. We will see how Joyce reacts to Wendy being gone because she was very close to her. So now I have no caregivers at all I am really stressed out so it is back to finding a agency. This has really taking a toll on me I am trying to handle this without having issues with my job.