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Blog – Page 128 – Support for Joyce Danko

Daily Post – July 9

July 9 – Day 1058

Joyce had a weekend. We did her exercises and tried a couple of new ones. Weekend caregiver cannot work anymore medical issues so I am looking for a weekend girl again. Me and Joyce went out yesterday since I had errands to run. She enjoyed getting out of the house. In the evening my sister skyped and Joyce love hearing and seeing her. Joyce slept well and did not have any issue to report.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her.

Daily Post – July 6

July 6 – Day 1055

Joyce had a good day. Joyce is doing good with her exercises. The caregiver said the morning was a little rough but she completed all the exercises. Joyce stayed up the most of the day and took very short naps. Her night was good and she did not have any issues to report.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her

Daily Post – July 5

July 5 – Day 1054

Joyce had a good day. Joyce is doing good with her exercises. Joyce had a good day with her physical therapist and she is doing well. Resolved the new problem with new items for caregivers made it simple with a notes section in their documentation where they can check for any new updates. Her night was good and she slept well all through the night. Got her referral for her chiro appt and ordered her new glasses.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her.

Daily Post – July 4

July 4 – Day 1053

Joyce had a good day. Joyce is doing good with her exercise her night caregiver said she noticed Joyce helping more when she stands. In home physical has introduced some new exercises to add to the ones we are doing. Joyce slept all day on the 4th but Sunday she was up all day and very alert did a lot of her hand exercise and also she reached for her lotion and put it on her hands. She used her nerf balls to do strength hand exercises it was a great day for her.

Daily Post – June 29

June 29 – 1048
Joyce had a good day. We went to Chapel Hill for Joyce’s throat doctor appointment. After the swallow study he said that she has not shown any improvement but she has not degraded either. So he said we can decide what frequency we want to return and have Joyce checked again. He has suggested ice chips and sipping water after every meal and when she gets water to strengthen her muscles. Joyce did not nap she was awake all the way there and all the way back she just liked watching everything that was going on.

Daily Post – June 27

June 27 – Day 1046

Joyce had a good day. Joyce did her exercise and when the physical therapist came for evaluation she did some additional ones and the caregiver said she did very well. The afternoon caregiver seems to be getting into her routine and she said things are getting better with the procedures. Joyce had a little coughing last night but settled down after 11 with the night caregiver I was able to get some sleep and Joyce rested well the rest of the night.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her.

Daily Post – June 26

June 26 – Day 1045
Joyce had a good day. Have instructed caregivers with a little more detail so they are aware of there responsibilities. Joyce did well with her exercises physical therapy will becoming tomorrow for Joyce’s first session. Still looking for a weekend person. Joyce slept well through the night without any issues. Trained my night caregiver who was Joyce’s day person before so she was aware what she had to do just refreshed her about nighttime procedures.
Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her.

Daily Post – June 25

June 25 Day 1044
Joyce had a good weekend. Did all of exercises and I new weekend caregiver come. I thought having a retired lady that would work out better. But she couldn’t transfer Joyce so in between my errands I had to come back to the house every 4 hours to take Joyce to the bathroom so the search continues. Joyce was very alert yesterday she sat up in her chair all day watching TV she really enjoyed watching Americas funniest home videos she was laughing so hard. Her night was good she slept well through the night with no issues.

Daily Post – June 22

June 22 – Day 1041
Joyce had a good day. she did her exercises today. the morning caregivers is doing fine but the afternoon I am not sure of. I have to set up a procedure for when the shift changes so everything is good before they walk out the door. One day she said she took Joyce to the bathroom but not even an hour later I checked her and her brief was wet. So I told the agency to get someone else because I will not tolerate it. She is very small so I don’t if she has trouble transferring Joyce or whatever the reason.

Daily Post – June 20

June 20 – Day 1039

Joyce had a good day. she did her exercises today. I trained the new caregivers and I think we might a good team the afternoon caregiver was kind of tiny and I was concerned about her lifting Joyce but she said she did okay struggled a little and I showed how to lift and she thinks that will help her tremendously. Joyce slept a lot during the day and slept well through the night with no issues.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her.