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Uncategorized – Page 7 – Support for Joyce Danko


Daily Post – March 29

March 29 – Day 3076

Joyce had a gentle day. Joyce slept most of the day. Joyce was on pressue support which means she does all the breathing unless she can’t and then the ventalator helps. Joyce did well she did 8 hours and then they switched it over therapist said that was outstanding for her lungs to get stronger. No pain meds until they suction and she said she was in pain so they gave something then.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her…

Daily Post – March 27

March 27 – Day 3074

Joyce had a busy day. Joyce slept most of the day. When I came in this morning no word of Joyces surgery. So I was about to call the doctor when the front desk said she is scheduled for 3:30 for her trach. But of course hospital clock meant 4:00 she was done in about an hour. They did give her some pain medication. She was awake when they changed over to the night nurse. Joyce is glad to have the inubation tube removed. We will see how she does tonight and tomorow.

Daily Post – March 26

March 26 – Day 3073

Joyce had a restful day. Joyce slept most of the day. They tppk joyce off her pain medication and she did good all day. The doctor finally showed up at 6:00 and he said he could do the trach. He has to check with the E.R. so he can do it tommorow otherwise it would be next week and I told him we are not waiting that long. He said he would let me know in the morning.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her…

Daily Post – March 25

March 25 – Day 3072

Joyce had a restful day. Joyce slept most of the day. The ENT doctor was in sugery all day today so we will have to wait till tommorow for his assessment of Joyce. JOyce had a very calm day they tried to take her off pain medication but she was biting on her inhubation tube so they restarted so she can relax.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her…

Daily Post – March 24

March 24 – Day 3071

Joyce had a restful day. Joyce slept through the entire day waking up here and there. She did becaome awake around 630 and was watching TV. Joyce did develop a low grade fever but they gave her some tylenol and it was back to normal before I left tonight.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her…

Daily Post – March 23

March 23 – Day 3070

Joyce had a restful day. Joyce through the most of the day slept comfortably an she did awake and acknowledge everyone through the day that talk to her and she recognized. It was a gentle day and nothing new happened. Joyce finally rested after having a rough day yesterday.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her…




Daily Post – March 22

March 22 – Day 3069

Joyce had a rough day. Joyce was doing good and talk of her going hometoday. Well that all changed in about 15 minutes when she went into respitory arrest again so she is back in the ICU and intubated. She is stable and we will have to wait till Monday for her to see a ENT specialist as she may need to have trachiotomy if they unable to perform it she will be trasnferred possibly to Wilmington.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her…

Daily Post – March 20

March 20 – Day 3067

Joyce did a complete 360 and had a good day. Compared to yesterday Joyce had a good day. Talked to the doctor she is off her antibiotics and no infections at the present. Removed from her oxygen mask and just used the nasal cannula and she did good all day until I left. She was alert and awake and watching TV. So we will see how her night goes. She had her catheter removed so if her bladder cooperates we are going definitely in the right direction. The doctor said she is improving and there would be no meedical neccessity to trasnfer to higher level of medical at this point.

Daily Post – March 19

March 19 – Day 3066

Joyce had a very stressful day. Joyce was stable till about lunch and she started to struggle breathing so they put her back on BiPap machine with her mask. But Joyce struggled breathing for about 7 hours her oxygen dropped but became stable around 7. he was working so hard she was sweating from head to toe. So they did another chest xray and too some arterial blood for testing. Her urine and blood has no infection its in her lungs. Hopefully she will hjave arestful night. I will call them to check on her before I go to bed.

Daily Post – March 18

March 18 – Day 3065

Joyce had a good day. Joyce was stable and they changed her oxygen to the nasal cannula at 1 litre which is lowest and she is keep her oxygen around 98%. She is started to have issues goinmg to the bathroom today they had to use a catheter just to relieve and then they took it out. She was a little more alert today but took a good portion of naps. She is fighting and not giving up as me and the girls are by her aside.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her…