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Uncategorized – Page 3 – Support for Joyce Danko


Daily Post – May 15

May 15 – Day 3072

Joyce had a good day. Joyce was good with all her stats today. Still waiting for a response from the new home health agency. The discharge planner came in and said Friday will be discharge and I told her the doctor and I had a conversation for Monday before discharge. So I talked to the doctor and he said we are on the same page. He will not release her until I have all supplies for her and the home is ready.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her…

Daily Post – May 14

May 14 – Day 3071

Joyce had a good day. Joyce was good with all her stats today. She has been on room air for 2 weeks. The LTACF in rocky mount would not take her medicaid so we are coordinationg to bring her home. I have contacted another agency for her home health care and it looks very promisiong we will find out more tommorow. Will order a couple of things that we will be needing. Joyce is doing very well medically.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her…

Daily Post – May 13

May 13 – Day 3070

Joyce had a good day. Joyce was good with all her stats today. Her catheter had a little leak that they will be watching. LTACF from rocky mount came and said they would take her but have to fiond out about deductible because it is outrageous per day that I would be responsible for. Have to make some calls in the morning to verify everything before I put her in a ambulance and she is 2 hours away and she has to come back because of insurance. All those questions have to have answers that will be satisfactory.

Daily Post – May 10

May 10 – Day 3067

Joyce had a good day. Joyce was good with all her stats today. They changed out her temporary catheter and ewvrything is working fine. They gave her some sleeping meds so after her procedure she has been sleeping most of the day. No answer from othert LTACF today.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her…

Daily Post – May 9

May 9 – Day 3066

Joyce had a good day. Joyce was good with all her stats today. Joyce was really tired today slept all day waking up short amounts of time. They were going to do a scan today its time to change out her catheter so they will be doing it tommorow morning.

She did well all day no issues.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her…

Daily Post – May 8

May 8 – Day 3065

Joyce had a good day. Joyce was good with all her stats today. Joyce was up the entire day she took a little nap at 5. The discharge planner said duke refused her referal becaquse is not acute with a goal in mind for example if she was getting her trach out in a couple months that would be acceptable. We will try rocvky mount and see if they will rerspond the same. If they do the only choice is a SNF or for here to come home.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her…

Daily Post – May 7

May 7 – Day 3064

Joyce had a good day. Joyce was good with all her stats today. Joyce was up a good portion of the day and took some short naps. The discharge planner said the LTACF requested more notes and we should have have answer today but we didnt hear anything. Hopefully we should hear something tommmorow.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her…

Daily Post – May 6

May 6 – Day 3063

Joyce had a good day. Joyce was good with all her stats today. Joyce slept most of the day and did wake up a couple times. Talked to respiratory director he came and met Joyce. There the company who will do the home care. Also talked to head of staffing will meet one of the nurses for Joyce tommorow. Other than that Joyce is doing well.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her..

Daily Post – May 3

May 3 – Day 3060

Joyce had a good day. Joyce was good with all her stats today. We are going to go to durham at the duke hospital which I decided if anything goes wrong they have all the resources to tae care of Joyce. We will be there until the skilled nursing agency can gather the staff to take care of her. Looks like Tuesday or Wednesday just depends how quick they will process the referral.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her…

Daily Post – May 2

May 2 – Day 3059

Joyce had a good day. Joyce was good with all her stats today. They are looking at a acute care facility because the home nursing will not be staffed for at least 2 weeks and she wont be able stay in the hospital. Have to make decision by tommorow morning closet facility is raleigh but I did talk to stephanie and she said I could stsay there so I wouldnt have a long way to drive. Will do a lot of research tonight.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her…