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Uncategorized – Page 146 – Support for Joyce Danko


Daily Post – September 19

September 19 – Day 770

Joyce had a great day. N0 therapy today all exercises were done at home. My afternoon caregiver came in early so she can see how to do all of Joyce’s exercises. Had a little issue that I corrected with the new caregiver it is a process to get them where I want them to be but she will get there. Joyce was doing great all day until I got home and she had a bad coughing fit. It lasted quit a while and we went through many washcloths but she finally calmed

Daily Post – September 18

September 18 – Day 769

Joyce had a great weekend. We have a afternoon caregiver but still looking for someone that has a personality to coincide with Joyce. Joyce after her Botox shots has loosened up those ankles we can so an improvement. The caregivers noticed a difference before and after the shots so that is a positive sign. Joyce’s medication is clearing up her congestion she is feeling and sounding much better. Her nights has be restful which is good to aid in her recovery from this respiratory issue.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her.

Daily Post – September 15

September 15 – Day 766

Joyce had a great morning. But she was not feeling well and that where it ended. She went to therapy and she threw up everything so that was cut short because she was feeling ill she told her caregiver so she came home. We went to her neurologist and she got her Botox treatments in her calf muscles to relax them to bring her heels down and she did great. Thought there would be a problem her laying on her stomach she kind of enjoyed it. But I could tell

Daily Post – September 14

September 14 – Day 765

Joyce had a great day. Joyce had a good day with Wendy so was a little sleepy with her but she was wide awake when Justina came and sat with her. She got her in her stander and she did pretty good. I think Joyce is coming down with a chest cold I am going to take her to the doctor tomorrow if it doesn’t clear up. Her night was find but after her bedtime water and medication she threw that up. It is hard sometimes to figure out if it is just saliva built-up or is a respiratory issue.

Daily Post – September 13

September 13 – Day 764

Joyce had a great day. Her therapy is going good but seems to be really tired from all three. Will talk to caregiver if we need to schedule different days. Joyce had some irregular bathroom day increasing some water intake to see if that will resolve issue. her night was good and she look absolutely wonderful and was sitting when i got home. Monitoring her bottom and having caregiver move her every 30 minutes as a safety precaution.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her.

Daily Post – September 12

September 12 – Day 763

Joyce had a great day. No therapy so exercises were done at home. My neighbor got called into work and I couldn’t find anyone to sit with Joyce so I had to leave work. I will be glad when I get this caregiver situation fixed. Joyce had a peaceful evening but the last hour before bedtime Joyce had a bad coughing episode. Her night was good and no issues through the night.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her.

Daily Post – September 11

September 11 – Day 762

Joyce had a great weekend. Joyce continues to do her exercises and she is doing very well at home and at her outpatient therapy. Stephanie came for the weekend and helped out. Joyce was happy to see her and Roxy. I told Stephanie just the little things help me greatly. Justina also helps greatly I cant thank them enough. Joyce has had very restful nights with no issues. Did a couple of promising interviews so we will see how that goes.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her.

Daily Post – September 8

September 8 – day 759

Joyce had a great day. Joyce had her therapy today they put a splint instead of a cast. She had another episode in the car on the way to the therapist. Don’t know if it is the motion or what but her caregiver asked her if she felt sick and she said no. Justina was with until i got home and did some errands. Her coughing has seemed to subside for now. Her night was great she had no issues at all.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her.

Daily Post – September 7

September 7 – Day 758

Joyce had a great day. Joyce had no therapy today so it was a pretty relaxed day with her doing her exercises at home. She was pretty tired form the day before and her therapy so she took a few naps during the day and Justina came in the afternoon to stay with her until i got home. Talked to her speech therapist and occupational therapist they are going to put that splint on her finger tomorrow. She slept very well through the night with no issues to report.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her.

Daily Post – September 6

September 6 – Day 757

Joyce had a great day. She had outpatient therapy yesterday and did very well. Still trying to find another caregiver to help and be a responsible backup if needed. Joyce was up most of the day but took a few short naps my neighbor came and stayed with Joyce till I got home from work. She is also a nurse and she did a wonderful job. Joyce coughed for about 2 hours last night nothing coming up just had a bad cough I hope she is not getting sick will have monitor that.