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Uncategorized – Page 145 – Support for Joyce Danko


Daily Post – October 3

October 3 – Day 784

Joyce had a great day. She did not get much sleep the night before so she slept most of the day except when she had to do her exercises. Joyce slept for me until bedtime and slept the entire night with no issues at all through the night. Her hand strength is getting belter since we have started doing the nerf balls.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her.

Daily Post – October 2

October 2 – Day 783

Joyce had a great weekend. Exercises continue and the ball strength exercises are beneficial and helping Joyce with her hand strength. We are giving her ice chips twice a day and she is doing well with that. She had a great weekend with no issues she sat up for quit a while with Justina before taking her nap. She was smiling all day and was good to see her so happy. She slept well but was awake for her 11 o’clock feeding. Other than that she had a restful night.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her.

Daily Post – September 29

September 29 – Day 780

Joyce had a great day. All therapy was dome at the house today. Joyce is doing very well with the nerf balls and will take a while but we will get there to strengthening her hands. She had a good day and a quiet evening. Joyce slept well throughout the night with no issues. Had to explain the logs to the new girl. There were pretty self explanatory but she was confused so now we are clear.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her.

September 28 – Day 779

September 28 – Day 779

Joyce had a great day. Joyce continues to do her exercises and is increasing her grip strength with the exercises. She was doing great all day yesterday. After I got her ready for bed and gave her the medication she didn’t have a coughing episode but she threw up everything but I assured her it was not a problem I will clean it up it just clothes and we have plenty and she seemed to relax after that. Even though she had no medication in her system she still slept all through the night after that.

Daily Post – September 27

September 27 – Day 778

Joyce had a great day. She had a wonderful day at therapy she was just talking her head off. Then when Wendy her caregiver brought her back home she talked until the afternoon lady took over. Wendy told her she was leaving and in Joyce fashion she asked her where are you going they all laughed so today was a good day all a round for Joyce. She slept well through the night with no issues.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her.

Daily Post – September 26

September 26 – Day 777

Joyce had a great day. She was very tired and slept most of the day. Most exercises were range of motion. She awoke about 8 and after getting into the bed she went right to sleep and had no issues through the night. Finishing the process for her CAP program and see what we will be getting as far as allowed hours.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her.

Daily Post – September 25

September 25 – Day 776

Joyce had a great weekend. Justina came Saturday and we got Joyce into the shower. She is continuing with her exercises but I am noticing her grip strength diminishing so I am having the caregiver start a regime with the nerf balls we have 4 different sizes and I think this will help. More concentration will be on the left hand this is the weaker one the right hand she can curl up into a fist but the left she is having trouble with. She is sleeping well at night and we just finished her medication for her respiratory issues.

Daily Post – September 22

September 22 – Day 773

Joyce had a great day. Joyce had her outpatient therapy and she did very well was alert until maybe the end and her caregiver said she was getting tired. She brought her boots that she wears at night but since she a different physical therapist she did give us much advice or even look at them so I will have to call and talk to them. Joyce was very up spirited when i came home she was very alert and happy until bedtime. Her night was good and slept well through the night.

Daily Post – September 21

September 21 – Day 772
Joyce had a great day. Joyce did not have any therapy today all therapy was done at home today. Joyce is doing well and she was sitting up and alert when I got home. She had alt of coughing still getting all that junk out of her lungs and it went on for quit a while. Got her ready for bed and finished her medication and she threw up but it want her medication it was all mucus. When I gave Joyce her feeding at 11 she was awake and a little after midnight.

Daily Post – September 20

September 20 – Day 771

Joyce had a great day. She was very sleepy her caregiver took her to her outpatient therapy and the speech and occupational therapist could not wake Joyce up. Physical did range of motion and measure her after her Botox injections there is improvement in the movement of the ankles. She came home and slept the rest of the day. Don’t know if she is recovering from her respiratory issues or did she not sleep very well. She is sleeping when I check her but if she is not having coughing issues or a lot of movement I would not be aware as the monitors wont pick that up if she is just awake and resting in her bed.