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Blog – Page 68 – Support for Joyce Danko

Daily Post – June 1

June 1 – Day 2060

Joyce had a good day. Joyce did all of her exercises and the night caregiver did not show so i had to leave work so the day caregiver could leave. Joyce watched her TV shows and she slept well all through the night without any issues.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her.

Daily Post – May 31

May 31 – Day 2059

Joyce had a good weekend. Joyce did all of her exercises and we had a good weekend and even though the chaos of the world is so disappointing. Joyce and I got emotional talking about what is going on and how 2020 is going to be a tale to tell our grandchildren but we will overcome and we will restore the America values. Joyce was awake most of the day Saturday but slept mostly Sunday and had good night without any issues.

continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her.

Daily Post – May 27

May 27 – Day 2055

Joyce had a good day. Joyce did all of her exercises and putting Joyce in her chair and reclining it for an hour after every bathroom visit is helping the redness is getting lighter so it is working will keep doing this and putting her in her stander where there is no pressure on her backside. Joyce slept well had a little coughing but it subsided.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her

Daily Post – May 26

May 26 – Day 2054

Joyce had a good day. Joyce did all of her exercises and she was very alert it seems a little redness on her backside so i am having the caregivers do more time in her stander and recliner her chair that takes all pressure of her backside and puts it on her back just as a precaution. Joyce slept well and did not have any issues.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her.

Daily Post – May 25

May 25 – Day 2053

Joyce had a good weekend. Joyce did all of her exercises and she was very alert even on Monday where we watched some memorial day movies I think Joyce watched them because I liked them that’s my bride. Joyce slept well every night and di not have any issues.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her.

Daily Post – May 21

May 21- Day 2049

Joyce had a good day. Joyce did all of her exercises and she was messing with her night caregiver telling her no and having the biggest smile on her face they are learning that Joyce has quite the personality. Joyce slept well through the night just a little coughing before bedtime.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her.

Daily Post – May 19

May 19 – Day 2047

Joyce had a good day. Joyce did all of her exercises and Joyce was alert and did about 20 minutes in her stander. The caregiver bought Joyce a little board where you push the letters into so she is enjoying working with that. Joyce slept well through the night without any issues.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her.

Daily Post – May 18

May18 -Day 2046

Joyce had a good day. Joyce did all of her exercises and Joyce was alert and did her stander. Joyce’s hair is so long they put it in a ponytail she looks like Barbie LOL Joyce’s coughing is a lot better and she slept well all through the night.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her.

Daily Post -may 17

May 17 – Day 2045

Joyce had a good weekend. Joyce did all of her exercises and Joyce slept most of Saturday and Sunday she got up around 6:00 on Sunday to watch some TV and had a lot of congestion but it was gone by bedtime. Joyce slept well the rest of the night without issues.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her.

Daily Post -May 14

May 14- Day 2042

Joyce had a good day. Joyce did all of her exercises and Joyce did some new exercises with night caregiver to work on her hand coordination and she did very well. Joyce did sleep in the afternoon and she slept well through the night without any issues.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her.