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Blog – Page 46 – Support for Joyce Danko

Daily Post – August 17

August 17 – Day 2307

Joyce had a great day. Joyce did all of her exercises and Joyce was very tired and slept most of the day. Her day caregiver was sick so I stayed with Joyce until the afternoon girl showed up. Joyce watched Tv in the evening and she slept well all through the night without any issues..

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her.

Daily Post – August 15

August 15 – Day 2305

Joyce had a great weekend. Joyce did all of her exercises and Joyce slept most of the weekend. Joyce had a lot of congestion and coughing. But at bedtime Joyce slept well all through the night which was good it was not restless.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her.

Daily Post – August 11

August 11 – Day 2301

Joyce had a great day. Joyce did all of her exercises and Joyce was very alert for both of her caregivers. The night time girl will not be working the full shift. She will do 4-9 because she has another and she said she is too tired in the morning. So that will help until I can get home. Joyce slept well all through the night without any issues

.Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her.

Daily Post – August 10

August 10 – Day 2300

Joyce had a great day. Joyce did all of her exercises and her caregiver did the night routine while I observed she did pretty well for her first time and as she became more familiar with the routine. Joyce was up all day till about 730 and she took a short nap before bedtime. Joyce slept well through the night.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her.

Daily Post – August 9

August 9 – Day 2299

Joyce had a great day. Joyce did all of her exercises and Joyce had her first afternoon with her new caregiver and she did very well with no issues. Once she learns the routine it will be good. Joyce did well with her new caregiver at her 11 feeding. Joyce slept well all through the night without any issues.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her

Daily Post – August 8

August 8 – Day 2298

Joyce had a great weekend. Joyce did all of her exercises and Joyce slept most of the day Saturday and Sunday she watched TV and took minimal naps. Sunday was the 6 year anniversary since Joyce’s illness. Joyce and I were talking where did those six years go but I assured her I will be here to take care of her and she smiled. Joyce’s health is good and issues at all. Joyce slept well with no issues and no skin issues at all.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her.

Daily Post – August 5

August 5 – Day 2295

Joyce had a great day. Joyce did all of her exercises and Joyce was very alert with her daycaregiver all day. Joyce watched some TV into the evening before bedtime. Joyce had a restful night and slept very well through the night.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her.

Daily Post – August 4

August 4 – Day 2294

Joyce had a great day. Joyce did all of her exercises and Joyce’s caregiver finished up her training and she will start on Monday. Joyce was really tired toward the end of the evening and she was not awake for her 11 feeding. Joyce slept well through the night with any issues.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her.

Daily Post – August 3

August 3 – Day 2293

Joyce had a great day. Joyce did all of her exercises and Joyce’s new caregiver training went well yesterday and she did well. She will do one more day and start next week. She is learning the routine very quickly. Joyce slept well through the night without any issues.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her.

Daily Post – August 2

August 2 – Day 2292

Joyce had a great day. Joyce did all of her exercises and Joyce was well rested, very alert and her eyes were clear and she wasn’t tired. Justina came and stayed until the day caregiver came from her appointment. Joyce slept well through the night and had a little coughing episode but after that everything was fine.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her.