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Blog – Page 16 – Support for Joyce Danko

Daily Post – June 1

June 1 – Day 2763

Joyce had a day. Joyce did all of her exercises and she is doing pretty good. Kind of figured out how to lift her so she is not having pain in that arm. Her bathroom is pretty much on schedule. Other than that she is doing well. Joyce is sleeping good at night.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her…

Daily Post – May 29

May 29 – Day 2760

Joyce had a weekend. Joyce did all of her exercises and we went to our grandaughters 1 year old birthday party Joyce enjoyed it so much. Joyce arm is getting worse with the pain trying to figure where to lift her but if I rub her arm she sdays it feels better. Sunday cant come to soon so we can maybe get some answers from her MRI. Joyce does sleep well without any issues.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her…

Daily Post – May 25

May 25 – Day 2756

Joyce had a good day. Joyce did all of her exercises and she is doing well and just 1 more week until she has her MRI. Joyce watched TV most fo the day with her caregiver. No issuesat this time and she is sleeping well through the night.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her…




Daily Post – May 21

May 21 – Day 2752

Joyce had a good weekend. Joyce did all of her exercises and she is doing well still haveing her adjust with her arm. We go on the 4th to get her MRI ans maybe an answer of why? Joyce has been sleeping good and has no issues through the night.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her…

Daily Post – May 10

May 10 – Day 2741

Joyce had a good day. Joyce did all of her exercises and she is doing well she will go tommorow for her blood work so she can start her medicine for her toe. Joyce is very alert and watcherd her lifetime movies with her caregiver. Joyce is sleeping well through the night.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her…

Daily Post – May 8

May 8 – Day 2739

Joyce had a good day. Joyce did all of her exercises and her neurologist ordered all the MRI’s again and it will be with sedation. It was 18th year of missing Michelle never gets easy. Joyce is sleeping well with no issues.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her…

Daily Post – May 3

May 3 – Day 2734

Joyce had a good day. Joyce did all of her exercises and it was agood day for her attitude and demeanor. Didn’t have any issues with bathroom visits and working her arm. Will see the neurologist tommorow and hopefully get some answers.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her…

Daily Post – May 1

May 1 – Day 2732

Joyce had a good day. Joyce did all of her exercises and she had a good weekend Saturday and Sunday. Joyce has her chest x-ray to make the pneumonia is gone. Also we will see the neurologist this week. Hopefully we can get an answer about her left arm. Joyce has been sleeping well through the night.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her…

Daily Post – April 25

April 25 – Day 2726

Joyce had a good day. Joyce did all of her exercises and I am sorry for it being so long since my last post. a lot has been going with Joyce. 2 weeks ago, it was overnight like flipping a switch Joyce could not lift her left arm she had strength whatsoever. It was also almost 24 hours, and she hadn’t been to the bathroom. So, the reason I took her the second time to the E.R. for her arm now we were dealing with urinary issue. The doctor immediately did a catheter and found out after some scans she had kidney stones and putting in the catheter dislodged it,

Daily Post – March 27

March 27 – Day 2697

Joyce had a great day. Joyce did all of her exercises and had a very good day. Bathroom visits were a little irregular but Joyce is doing great. Joyce slept well all through the night without any issues.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her…