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Blog – Page 141 – Support for Joyce Danko

Daily Post – December 11

December 11 – Day 853

Joyce had a great weekend. The agency had to scramble to get someone on the afternoon Saturday because her regular caregiver was sick. I didn’t get upset because I told them weekends is nice if they can come but its not a necessity like during the week that’s is important. Joyce sat up all day Sunday watching say yes to the dress she enjoys that show. Exercises are going good the caregiver are getting the routine of the exercises. Joyce slept well all through the night.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her.

Daily Post – December 8

December 8 – Day 850
Joyce had a great day. Joyce took some naps her and there throughout the day but she still was alert enough to finish 2 sets of all her exercises. Called some new agencies and a couple of them look promising. Joyce’s mood was good today and as we talked when Wendy was there she said that she didn’t trust the trainees that’s why she was upset so I put a stop to that. Her night was great she is sleeping soundly through the night.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her.

Daily Post – December 7

December 7 – Day 849

Joyce had a great day. Everything was fine until the nurse came with a new trainee. Wendy said she did not want to leave Joyce. They could not transfer properly and Joyce knew it. Wendy said Joyce was on the verge of tears. So today I will be calling to get a new agency to work with Joyce this one is not working and I have notified her social worker on this program and she agrees. Joyce had a good night and slept well.

Continue to pray and send positive thoughts so that things continue to progress and that God keeps putting his loving hands on Joyce to heal her.

Daily Post – December 5

December 5 – Day 847

Joyce had a great day. Joyce was a little tired today so a majority of her exercises were done. The afternoon caregiver is getting more comfortable with transferring Joyce. She doing the exercise as prescribed and Joyce is comfortable with her. The night caregiver has got the routine that Joyce is accustomed too so that is good. Joyce slept well through the night with no issues. Hopefully tomorrow they will bring in new people to train so we have a staff of trained personnel for Joyce in case someone calls in sick or has any issues.

Daily Post – December 4

December 4 – Day 846
Joyce had a great weekend. First week with the CAP caregivers a couple were fine the other I told them to get rid of her. Luckily I was there and she couldn’t lift Joyce so she was no good to us. So with that lady and one calling out sick Sunday they did not give me a warm fussy feeling. I hired this agency so they would have staff if people called in sick. They are doing exercises twice a day so that is good. Joyce is sleeping restful at night. We watched x-mas movies Sunday and Joyce was singing Santa Claus is coming to town and I could hear all the words from her.

Daily Post – December 1

December 1 – Day 843

Joyce had a great day. We got an early start to go Joyce swallow study and see her ENT doctor. Joyce was great all the way up there and back no issues in the car. Her swallow showed progress her first to swallow with applesauce went down correctly with no issues. The speech therapist then kept giving her various thickness to tax her muscles then Joyce was having issues swallowing. So Joyce is good in the beginning but no endurance so we will continue to do her exercises because her doctor was very pleased.

Daily Post – November 29

November 29 – Day 841

Joyce had a great day. I had called the agency that will be helping with Joyce and told them that we need them to come so my day caregiver can train them and the supervisor agreed. So they came an hour earlier and they did well. I checked in on them and I called her and told her that if Joyce is sleeping to lean her back in chair she said the chair keeps coming up so i told and I quote there is a bag on the right side of Joyce take the bag on put it arou

Daily Post – November 28

November 28 – Day 840

Joyce had a great day. Her exercises were done and she had no issues with her food today. Met the nurse for the CAP program they will start tomorrow so we will have someone with Joyce from 730AM till midnight that way Justina and I can get some rest. Justina will come to visit and to help with her weekly shower so i think this is going to help us tremendously. Joyce slept well through the night she had a little coughing episode before bed but nothing at bedtime or through the night.

Daily Post – November 27

November 27 – Day 839

Joyce had a great weekend. We did her exercises and she is doing fine. Some days are better than others but that is to be expected. She watched TV for a couple of hours sitting up in her chair as she watched Justina decorate the tree. She had a episode Saturday right before bed where she had a coughing fit and everything came up but told her it is okay we will clean it up and we have plenty of clothes. At least it was before her medication so after that she slept well all through the night with no issues.

Daily Post – November 24

November 24 – Day 836

Joyce had a great day. We had the whole family together for thanksgiving Stephanie and mark, Justina and nick Joyce was happy to see everyone. She was very tired and slept most of the day. It was a little sense of our new normal and we make the best of it. Girls did the cooking and everything turned out wonderful. The worst thing about getting together is it has to end. I love and miss my girls every time they walk out the door to get back to their own lives and Joyce and I are overjoyed the women they have become.